Hypertrichosis, also known as Ambras syndrome or Werewolf
syndrome, is excessive hair growth over and above the normal for the age,
sex, and race of an individual. Hypertrichosis can develop all over
the body or can be isolated to small patches. Hypertrichosis may be
congenital (present at birth) or acquired (arises later in life). There are a
few types of Hypertrichosis: Congenital lanuginosa, congenital terminalis,
Naevoid, and Acquired. Congenital Hypertrichosis lanuginosa is a very
rare syndrome with only about 50 cases reported worldwide since the Middle
Ages. The condition is characterized by excessive hair growth on
a child at birth. Most of the body is covered with lanugo hair, which is an
unpigmented, fine, soft and silky hair that covers the fetus and which is
usually shed at around 8 months gestation and replaced with fine vellus hair
and terminal scalp hair in preparation for birth. In congenital Hypertrichosis,
lanugo hair continues to grow and this excessively long fine hair persists
throughout life. Congenital terminalis is a variation of congenital Hypertrichosis. This
condition involves all over body hair growth, but the hair is fully pigmented
terminal hair and the condition is almost always associated with gingival
hyperplasia (teeth defects). Naevoid is an unusual form
of Hypertrichosis where a solitary circumscribed area of terminal hair growth
occurs. It is not usually associated with any other diseases, except if it
arises as a faun-tail on the lower back, when it may
indicate underlying spina bifida. Naevoid Hypertrichosis can occur at birth or
appear later in life. An example of naevoid-circumscribed Hypertrichosis is the
presence of a solitary and very bushy eyebrow. Acquired hypertrichosis describes excess hair
growth that develops in an individual after birth. The hair is usually
unpigmented vellus hair or may involve pigmented terminal hair. Excess hair
growth may be localized to a particular area or generalized and covering all
hair-bearing areas of the body. The cause of Hypertrichosis is unknown.
Congenital Hypertrichosis is believed to be a genetic disorder that is
inherited or occurs as a result of spontaneous mutation. Acquired Hypertrichosis
lanuginosa sometimes occurs in people who at a later stage are diagnosed
with a cancer of some form. Other possible causes of Hypertrichosis include:
metabolic disorders, drugs or chemicals, anorexia nervosa. Localized
Hypertrichosis may occur after application of medication, minor abrasions or injury requiring a plaster cast, infections, and
vaccinations. The signs and symptoms of Hypertrichosis include… excessive hair
growth. Treatment of Hypertrichosis is basically hair removal
§ http://dermnetnz.org/hair-nails-sweat/hypertrichosis.html
§ http://www.rightdiagnosis.com/h/hypertrichosis/symptoms.htm
§ http://www.rightdiagnosis.com/h/hypertrichosis/symptoms.htm
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